Zhengxiong Yang did his honours project at the “Abteilung für Numerische Mathematik” at Siemens Corporate Technology, Munich.
The goal of this project was to construct a model, which is used for evaluating deformations on a concaved mirror according to the change of directions of the light rays reflected by the mirror itself.
A point light source and a screen are given by the author and the mirror is discretized by triangles. In the center of the mirror, the light source and the center of the screen are on the same line. The light source is 50 mm away from the center of the mirror. The screen, which is 700 mm away from the center of the mirror is large enough and perpendicular to the line which is defined by three points.
The problem is that a unique system output is demanded in many optimisation softwares. Hence the task is to find out variables to evaluate the overall deformations on the mirror.