The 2010 opening weekend of the whole “BGCE family” took place at the Generali-Seminarzentrum in Bernried.
Compact Course “Advanced numerical techniques with applications in image processing”
Compact Course, March 15-19, 2010, at KTH Stockholm
Best Student Presentation
Dheevatsa Mudigere, one of our 2009 graduates of the BGCE elite programme, received the “Best student paper award” at the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2009) in Kochi, India, for his paper “Fast GPU data rearrangement kernels using CUDA”. The paper is related to his master’s thesis, a joint project of the GE labs in Bangalore and the Chair of Scientific Computing of TUM’s Computer Science department.
Graduation Ceremony of ENB
The graduation ceremony of the Elite Network of Bavaria (ENB) took place in the Neuhaussaal of the Theater Regensburg.
Workshop: Cell Broadband Engine
An introduction to Parallel Programming on the Cell Broadband Engine was held by Markus Stürmer and Daniel Ritter (from FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) in Garching
ENB Symposium
Symposium of the three ENB programs “Identification, Optimization and Control with Applications in Modern Technologies”, “Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering” and “TopMath” in Freising.
BGCE Opening Weekend
The 2009 Opening weekend took place at the Generali-Seminarzentrum in Bernried.
Efficient Multigrid Methods in Computer Vision and Medical Image Processing
Compact Course, March 2-6, 2009, at KTH Stockholm
CSE/come.tum degree ceremony
In 2008, the annual joint degree ceremony of the two Master’s programs come.tum and CSE was again hosted by the CSE program in the Mathematics/Informatics building in Garching. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Vol from BMW was our special guest speaker for the evening, and gave a presentation on the “virtual planning process in sheet metal forming”.
Double Degree Program “Computational Engineering” (Erlangen, Stockholm)
Starting the winter semester 2008/2009, students of Computational Engineering can obtain a double Master’s degree from FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and Kungl. Tekniska Hoegskolan, Stockholm, Sweden. According to the agreement between the universities, both universities will award the candidate a master’s degree, giving the graduates an important extra qualification for the international job market.
The first year program at the home university covers advanced basics of Computational Engineering, and the second year at the guest university is devoted to depth in a choice of specializations, and to the writing of the Master’s thesis. The programs at KTH and FAU are international and the instructional language is English. The DAAD academic mobility funding agency supports the double degree program with travel grants and scholarships for participating students.
The double degree can also be combined with participation in the Bavarian Graduate School in Computational Engineering (BGCE). The first BGCE students have started their stay in Stockholm for winter term 08/09, already.