come.tum/CSE trip to Garmisch-Partenkirchen

This year’s joint summer trip of BGCE’s two Munich programs, CSE and come.tum, led us into Bavaria’s beautiful mountains – we enjoyed a hiking tour near Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

After a visit of the Partnachklamm, which offered a spectacular though wet experience, a nice hiking tour led us up to Eckbauer, through Wamberg – Germany’s highest village with an own church – and back to the Olympic ski stadium in Garmisch (see pictures of the event).

BGCE Weekend in Bernried

For the first time, the former BGCE Opening Weekend was organised as a come-together of all BGCE students and staff at the Generali-Seminarzentrum in Bernried. On Friday, Mar 16, the official welcome of the new BGCE students was followed by the so-called “Kaminabend” with Prof. Freymann from BMW Forschung&Technik as special guest, giving an exciting talk on “Mobility in the Future”. On Saturday and Sunday, the BGCE students attended the seminars

  • When Teamwork Works (moderated by Katrin Lippmann and Andrea Haider), a teamwork seminar for the new BGCE students.
  • Creating and Developing a Business Idea (moderated by Dierk Röschke with Dr. Bernward Jopen from UnternehmerTUM as special guest on Sunday).