The IHK in Westerham was once more the site for the BGCE Opening Weekend, the inauguration of new BGCE students, and come-together of all BGCE students and staff.
Elitenetzwerk Graduation Ceremony
The Elitenetzwerk graduation ceremony 2007 was celebrated at the Glaspalast Augsburg on November, 17th. State minister Dr. Goppel and the CEO of the Bavarian Business Association, Bertram Brossardt, honoured the honours graduates of BGCE and of all other master’s and doctorate programs within the Elite Network of Bavaria.
come.tum/CSE degree ceremony
The third joint degree ceremony of the two Master’s programs come.tum and CSE, took place on Oct 25. Among the graduates was also the second year of honours graduates who finished the BGCE elite program in Munich.
come.tum/CSE trip to Garmisch-Partenkirchen
The summer trip 2008 of BGCE’s two Munich programs, CSE and come.tum, went to the center of Bavaria: the Befreiungshalle near Kelheim, the famous Donaudurchbruch, and the Kloster Weltenburg. (see pictures of the event).
come.tum/CSE trip to Garmisch-Partenkirchen
This year’s joint summer trip of BGCE’s two Munich programs, CSE and come.tum, led us into Bavaria’s beautiful mountains – we enjoyed a hiking tour near Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
After a visit of the Partnachklamm, which offered a spectacular though wet experience, a nice hiking tour led us up to Eckbauer, through Wamberg – Germany’s highest village with an own church – and back to the Olympic ski stadium in Garmisch (see pictures of the event).
BGCE Weekend in Bernried
For the first time, the former BGCE Opening Weekend was organised as a come-together of all BGCE students and staff at the Generali-Seminarzentrum in Bernried. On Friday, Mar 16, the official welcome of the new BGCE students was followed by the so-called “Kaminabend” with Prof. Freymann from BMW Forschung&Technik as special guest, giving an exciting talk on “Mobility in the Future”. On Saturday and Sunday, the BGCE students attended the seminars
- When Teamwork Works (moderated by Katrin Lippmann and Andrea Haider), a teamwork seminar for the new BGCE students.
- Creating and Developing a Business Idea (moderated by Dierk Röschke with Dr. Bernward Jopen from UnternehmerTUM as special guest on Sunday).
BGCE Student Prize Session at SIAM’s CSE Conference
Alfonso Bueno Arovio of Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha in Spain has been awarded the 2007 BGCE student prize in Computational Science and Engineering at the SIAM CSE conference, February 23, 2007, in Costa Mesa, California. Read more about the BGCE Student Prize Session on the GSCI Digest.
Elitenetzwerk Graduation Ceremony
The first Elitenetzwerk graduation ceremony was celebrated at the Residenz in Würzburg on November, 25th. State minister Dr. Goppel honoured the first honours graduates of BGCE and of all other master’s and doctorate programs within the Elite Network of Bavaria.
CSE/come.tum degree ceremony
During the second joint degree ceremony of the two Master’s programs come.tum and CSE, on Oct 23, the first honours graduates who finished the BGCE elite program in Munich were celebrated.
- see TUM’s press release
- pictures of the ceremony
Mitgliedertagung Elitenetzwerk Bayern
The BGCE took part in the first member conference of the Elitenetzwerk Bayern.