In 2024, the following soft skills seminars and courses were or will be offered. See the list of previous courses for earlier courses and seminars on soft skills.
Opening Weekend
- Opening Weekend
April 12-14, 2024, in Fall/Lenggries; 1 ECTS credit
- Jan Seydel, Michael Wiedenmann
"When teamwork works"
- Florian Bomhard
"Step out"
- Jan Seydel, Michael Wiedenmann

Workshops and Block Courses
- Ralph Pieper-Wörle:
block seminar , 3 ECTS credits.
- Stefan Piekny:
Boost your Career
block seminar, June 15+16, Garching , 1 ECTS credits.
- Vijaya Holla, Andi Makarim Katili:
seminar, June 21+24, Munich, 2 ECTS.
Additional Offers
- SET Tutoring
In early October 2024, the "Semestereinführungstage" (SET) will take place. For participating in this introduction for new students organised by the Fachschaft on our campus, BGCE students may obtain 1 ECTS credit. - Supervised Teaching
In the winter term 24/25, there will be options for a guided teaching experience. For details, contact your local BGCE coordinator.
Offers by Partner Programs
- ENB softskills seminars (different courses organised by the Elitenetzwerk Bayern)
in Beilngries; see ENB Intranet for details) - ISC High Performance Computing Conference: Student Volunteers
1 ECTS credit - TUM's Institute for Live-long Learning (different courses)
see Ill website for details - TUM's ProLehre courses (different courses on didactics)
see the ProLehre website for details