Summer and Winter Academies
The Bavarian Graduate Schools and its members offer courses within several summer and winter academies. In 2024, these were or will be:
- during the Ferienakademie of the TU München, the FAU Erlangen, and the Universität Stuttgart (Sep 22 - Oct 04, 2024):
- Jyväskylä Summer School
(August 2024)
See the list of previous courses for earlier courses at summer/winter academics.
Intensive Courses and Block Tutorials
Additional courses are offered as block lectures/tutorials or intensive courses, often given by guest professors.
In 2024, the following courses were or will be offered:
- LRZ courses:
Different courses at the LRZ are available here: LRZ course survey
(cross-check with your local coordinators which courses fit for you)
See the list of previous courses for earlier block courses and block tutorials.

Copyright: Andreas Heddergott / TUM
Further Scientific Activities
- ATHENS Programme
- CISM courses:
Different courses at the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM), Udine (Italy), are available here: CISM course survey
(cross-check with your local coordinators which courses fit for you and BGCE)